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Technical support

Quick solution to your issue related to our products

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What we do best


We talk about how the products work

We will help you understand the functionality of the solutions. We'll tell you what you need to do to “raise” a virtual machine or deploy a Kubernetes cluster, where to connect a subnet in the Selectel cloud platform, or how to install your OS on a dedicated server. If we have already written about this somewhere, we will send you a link to the documentation or blog article.


We help with settings

We will explain how to move to Selectel infrastructure so that it does not affect the operation of services. We will teach you how to organize a local network between different products or data centers. We’ll also show you how to set up our services.



If something happens to you (the service begins to load more slowly, it is unstable, or the connection with the server is completely lost), we will find the source of the problem and quickly fix it. Such tasks are our priority. You can also feel free to write to us if you need to reboot the equipment or change something in its configuration.

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Any questions?